You may agree or disagree with the order of this list, but this list is solid! The movies on this list actually beat out some greats. For example, only the original Rocky made the cut, II, III, and IV were knocked out. The Blind Side had a tough time keep this top movies from blitzing to the top. If I hadn't seen Caddyshack in the past couple of months it would have been on the list but unfortunately I did. It sliced!!
So, through a very arduous process that included intricate tools like Excel and IMDB; the panel of one looked back at movies that were funny, had a message, or moved us. Sports fans, movie fans.... Enjoy.
10. Million Dollar Baby:

Generally, the best sports movies are ones that leave the viewer with a sense of encouragement, an I can do it mentality. Million Dollar Baby does not do that. Granted we see a fighter work her way (yes I said her) to the top of the boxing world, but the crash is so devistating there was not a dry eye in the theatre. This movie was directed by Clint Eastwood. He starred in the movie as well with Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman. The movie won 4 Oscars (Best Director, Picture, Supporting Actor and Actress in a Leading Role). You may not feel inspired to go join your local boxing club after this movie, but this is a must see.
9. Blue Chips:

OK, so I'm a basketball junkie. How could I leave this movie off of the list when one of the main characters was based on me. He was even named after me, Ricky Roe. Many people may not know that Ricky is my legal first name. But it doesn't stop there, this kid is the one white player in the film with three point shooting expertice(The picture is Ricky Roe being recruited by Coach Bell, played by Nick Nolte). If this story isn't based on me I don't know what is. The movie stars Nick Nolte as the coach that recruits (or buys) characters played by Shaquille O'Neal, Penny Hardaway, and Matt Nover (Ricky Roe). When the coach finally looks in the mirror and sees what he has become he doesn't like what he sees.
8. The Rookie:

Another personal story on this one. I was so inspired by this true story that at 35 years old I laced up my high tops and went to an open tryout for the Denver Nuggets. I actually scored 12 points in the live scrimmage before they cut me! For anyone who has put their dreams on hold or is a late bloomer this is a must see story of a 38 year old high school baseball coach that actually tries out and makes a major league baseball team. A great story with Dennis Quaid playing the lead role as major league pitcher, Jimmy Morris.
7. The Sandlot:

The only thing better than a grown man getting to play a game for a living is seeing little kids playing sports. The Sandlot is the story of a group of rag tag kids that meet everyday to play base ball in the local sandlot. We get to see their antics on the field against the local baseball team, dabbling in chewing tobacco at the 4th of July carnival and their daily quest for their next baseball so they can keep playing. This movie will take every grown up back to their childhood.
6. Remember The Titans:

"Let them remember the day they played the Titans". When I heard this line in the Remember The Titans trailer I was hooked. Another mostly true story, Remember The Titans, is a movie about overcoming obstacles while dealing with the race relations in Virginia during the early 1970s. Toward the end of the movie when Julius addresses the coaches and players during halftime of the state championship game, he states, "Now I'm not perfect, but up until now this team is perfect. If it's all the same to you I'd like to keep it that way." I nearly stood up in the theatre cheering.
5. Rocky:

Many people might not realize that Sylvestor Stallone not only starred in this Academy Award winning movie, but he actually wrote the script as well (and was nominated for best original screenplay). Looking back at some of the lines makes it easier to believe that the slow talking Stallone wrote them. For example, trainer Mickey telling Rocky "You're gonna eat lightnin' and you're gonna crap thunder!" Who else but Stallone could have pulled that one off. Anyway, no best sports movie list is complete without this underdog story. It's a classic!
4. Rudy:

Anyone who has been told they couldn't do something and it pissed you off, needs to see this movie. Rudy is a "5 foot Nothin' a hundred and Nothin'" kid that has average grades but still wants to attend Notre Dame University AND play football. Well no one thinks he can do it except for him. Rudy defies all odds an is the only person in the history of Notre Dame to be carried off the field by his teammates. I don't even know Rudy and I am proud of him!!
3. Cinderella Man:
There are very few movie scenes that I have seen more than Jim Braddock's first comeback fight scene in Cinderella Man. In my opinion this is one of the most underrated sports movies ever made. The boxing choreography was great (helped along by legendary boxing trainer Angelo Dundee). The riches to rags to riches story was told in an extremely heart warming way. We actually see Jim Braddock's kids taken to other family members because their can't afford to take care of them. The acting was great, starring Russell Crowe, Renee Zellweger and the scene stealing Paul Giamatti. If this movie had come out 3 years later, after the economy crashed in late 2008, I think this would have been a top Oscar winner.
2. Field Of Dreams:

Some people would give anything to get one more chance to have coffee with a lost loved one again. They would pay millions to get the opportunity to give that one last hug or kiss. In Field Of Dreams, Ray Kinsella (played by Kevin Costner), gets that chance. Although he doesn't know what he is getting himself into by following the spectoral voice in his cornfield telling him "If you build it he will come", he builds IT and HE does come. When he actually ends the movie with the one last catch with his dad, I am not too proud to say I was choked up to say the least.
1. Hoosiers:

This may not only be the greatest sports movie of all time, I have it as one of the top movies of all genres of all time. Even in sports circles, many non-basketball junkies agree with me on this one. When the Hickory HS team, with only 8 players on their roster, play South Bend for the state championship it is obvious that the Hickory players are overwhelmed. Coach Norman Dale (played by Gene Hackman) measures the dimensions of the court and says "I think you will find these have the same measurements as our gym back home." This settles the team down a little so they can go to work. One great fact about the movie is that all of the actors that played the Hickory team played college basketball except one. That one is the star of the team, Jimmy Chitwood (played by Maris Valainis). The scene stealer in this movie was Dennis Hopper who played the town drunk and assistant coach. He was honored with an Academy Award nomination for best supporting actor for his work. Don't walk, RUN to see this movie. You will love it!!