I know, I know. It's been months since my latest post. Not that I have any regular readers but I know that at least two of you really do care about my opinion on these topics. If my mom knew how to read this she might care too. Anyway I have to start out by giving my definition of a "Flip Stop". This is a made up term by me and fellow blogger Fillerbuster11 (http://fillerbuster11.blogspot.com/). A flip stop is a place in which a channel flipper stops to check out what is on a particular channel. For example, my dad used to see if he could get around a full revolution of his channels during a commercial break. I could never do that because I always stop on a handful of movies that seem to never get old in :30 second increments. Those stops, are "Flip Stops", and this list is my top 10 movies that I seem to always stop on during my channel flipping. To qualify, the movie has to be a great movie and be on the television often enough to warrant multiple stops. To be clear, these are not my favorite movies (although some do make my list) they are just the movies I always stop flipping the channels to watch. My research has been validated by me and me only so enjoy, and don't forget to write about your selections in the comments section.
10. Patriot Games

For those fans of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan novels this is a classic. Patriot Games was released in 1992 at the height of Clancy's and star Harrison Ford's popularity. The movie has staying power partly due to it's cast including Ford, Ann Archer, Sean Bean and James Earl Jones. Although you will never see Patriot Games in a movie critic's list of top movies of all time and the only awards are obcure awards for top dvd collections and box office awards, this is a movie that keeps the viewers watching because it is thrilling and seems to always be on the television.
9. Rudy

Anyone that has been told they can't will love this movie. Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger was told all his life that he is too small, too slow, and not smart enough to go to Notre Dame and play football. The reality is, he was, but he still overcame the odds to not only get accepted into the University of Notre Dame, but to make the team and get on the field of play. If I ever need some inspiration I just start flipping the channels of my TV and I will eventually run into Rudy. Then I stop and watch for awhile.
8. Silence Of The Lambs

Every loves to have their skin crawl right. Well maybe not but this movie will do it everytime. Hannibal Lector is the most despicable characters of all time and I still find it nearly impossible to go past this movie when channel flipping. I admit, this creep got in my head too.
7. Pulp Fiction

Violence, crime and great dialogue. Who does it better than Quentin Tarantino. Sure, he also created From Dusk Til Dawn but every third movie that he makes is an instant classic and that is what you get with Pulp Fiction. One of the all time greats that seems to be on the TV more than the Kardashians.
6. Pale Rider

Clint Eastwood... need I say more? I think not.
5. 8 Mile

Star power!! Eminem, Kim Bassinger, the late Brittney Murphy and Michael Shannon (did I actually write Michael Shannon?). Well anyway, this was a great cast and the final "Battle" seen was top notch. If you stop your channel flipping just on that final night of "Battles" you will get your fill.
4. The Outlaw Josey Wales
Clint Eastwood, again!!
3. The Shawshank Redemption

"Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'" is a saying that I try to live my life by. Obviously the cable networks feel that every TV watcher must do the same because there is nary a day where you can't find this movie on the networks. I stop everytime I see it.
2. Ocean's Eleven

Ladies and guys with man crushes stop drooling. This cast just keeps on coming. Well, duh, there's eleven of them and I stop to watch every time I see it on the TV. Hopefully I miss a scene where Brad Pitt is eating. Those scenes are just gross.
1. Good Will Hunting
This movie was my inspiration to start writing. How? Well it won the academy award for best screenplay so I read it at the library and thought... I can do that. 15 years later and I haven't done it so I just watch it everytime I run across it while channel flipping.
So,there is my list. I am excited about seeing what some of your favorites are. Please post your comments if you feel so inclined.